Rent Control – Arm Yourself with the Facts

Advocacy News,

Rent control has gained much attention recently as low-income housing advocates promote this failed policy as a remedy to rising rents and tenant displacement in gentrifying neighborhoods. Legislation (SB 2310) has been introduced in the Illinois General Assembly to overturn the Rent Control Pre-Emption Act and allow local units of governments throughout the state enact rent control laws. CAA stands in strong opposition to this misguided effort and we are working to educate lawmakers about the harmful effects of rent control. 

We agree with the overwhelming majority of economists and housing experts who reject rent control as a failed policy that harms low-income residents at the expense of higher income renters. It discourages investment in new and existing apartments, erodes property values, and ultimately leads to a shortage of quality, affordable rental housing. CAA supports other proven policies to facilitate development and maintenance of affordable housing like: increased density bonuses; relaxed building codes; rent subsidies; and other developer incentives. 

Read our Rent Control Fact Sheet and be prepared to oppose this misguided initiative.