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2021 CAAPAC Summer Reception @ ELEMENT AT VERIDIAN


Thursday, August 19, 2021
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (CDT)

Event Details

CAAPAC's Reception at ELEMENT AT VERIDIAN (VennPoint Real Estate & UrbanStreet Group)

As the apartment industry emerges from the pandemic, now is a better time than ever to support our political action committee. We welcome you to join us at ELEMENT AT VERIDIAN (Owned and Managed by VennPoint Real Estate & UrbanStreet Group), a state-of-the-art property in Schaumburg located just off Interstate 90. 

We appreciate your support for CAAPAC, and look forward to hosting you at this event. Soon, we will announce our guest speaker and send additional details relevant to your attendance. If you have any questions, please reach out to

The Chicagoland Apartment Association Political Action Committee (CAAPAC) works to elect candidates for state and local office who support CAA’s mission, legislative agenda, and policies that facilitate successful residential rental apartment ownership and management. Through the generous support of CAA members, the PAC supports candidates with a demonstrated record of support for our industry. The CAA Executive Committee is responsible for making CAAPAC contribution and funding decisions, which are communicated to the general membership. The CAAPAC is funded by voluntary donations from CAA members, and member solicitations and candidate contributions are made in accordance with Illinois election law.

Paid for by Chicagoland Apartment Association Political Action Committee. A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board's official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.

For More Information:

Tom Benedetto
Tom Benedetto

Thank you to our Premier and Platinum Sponors: