Postponed - CAS: Certified Apartment Supplier - Spring 2020
* Registration open until 9/2/19 at 12:00 AM (CST)
Event Details
Postponed - New dates TBD
Member Rate $650 (Available to CAA Members only)
Instructor: Sue Weston
Earn your CAS Designation right alongside CAM students!
The CAS program was created to enhance the relationship between suppliers and their customers. Suppliers learn the role and responsibilities of the apartment manager and how to build stronger relationships with these constituents. CAS candidates participate in the same courses as CAM (Certified Apartment Manager) candidates.
Modules Schedule
(This course is 3 days total + an optional Industry Essentials module)
Industry Essentials (optional)
Financial Management
Legal Issues/Resident Experience
Risk Management/Review and Next Steps
The CAS coursework is one of the steps towards earning a CAS designation. Here are the complete requirements for obtaining a CAS designation include:
- Complete the Supplier Success Course
- Employment within the apartment industry in a supplier position
- Successful completion of all CAS coursework (totaling 26 hours)
- Meet all examination standards within 6 months of declaring candidacy
Once you complete the CAS course, you will receive an eligibility code to schedule your online exam.